MILJAN BRANKOVIĆ, REGIONALNI MENADŽER KOMPANIJE MAIL BOXES ETC (MBE) Jedinstveni supply chain traži franšizne partnere u Vojvodini

MILJAN BRANKOVIĆ, REGIONAL MANAGER OF THE COMPANY MAIL BOXES ETC (MBE) A unique supply chain is looking for franchise partners in Vojvodina

In a world where e-commerce continues to grow rapidly, logistics services are becoming more complex and require greater flexibility and speed of delivery. The company Mail Boxes Etc (MBE), a leader in providing micro-logistics solutions, recognized these challenges and responded with an innovative approach that offers users complete logistics solutions in one place. This is […]

MILJAN BRANKOVIĆ, REGIONAL MANAGER OF THE COMPANY MAIL BOXES ETC (MBE) A unique supply chain is looking for franchise partners in Vojvodina Read More »